Research Presentation: Material Aliveness and Affective Projection in Reparative Painting
Affective projections through painting that seek to unfold optimistic futures, express wounded narratives, propose transfer and/or realization of power can turn toward reparative positions. Painting and story become lenses, mobilized as methods, to be subsequently realized as embodiments, through which sociological, theoretical, and psychological ideas/ideals are visualized. Reparative painting explores how intense moments of human experience intertwine with identity dynamics as they evolve and unravel in individual and socio-political contexts. The reparative turn in painting may incorporate mythical, futuristic, monstrous, factual, and symbolic realms. Figures can be used in a variety of modes, becoming icons, signifiers, memories, and champions.
This presentation will occur during LIVING RESEARCH: THE URGENCY OF THE ARTS, NAFAE conference , London UK